Maize, also called corn, is the third most important cereal crop and is the second, after wheat, in the top of international trade. Corn is made up of several parts: male flowers, knot, between knot, female flowers, leaf, cocoon and hairy root. The stem is tall, straight, with knots and Corn embers between the knots. It is thick, full of marrow and is called a cocoon. The leaves are larger and wider than those of wheat.

Notched corn is the most important from a commercial point of view and is used mainly as food for cattle, pigs or other animals. Cornmeal is obtained from milled corn. Corn is an important source of vegetable oil and has many applications in industry.


Romania’s wheat production increased in 2016 by 7% compared to 2015, to 8.413 million tons and recorded an average of over 4 t / ha, amid a mild climate, free of drought. Data provided by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development show that in 2016, 2.075 million ha of wheat and rye were cultivated and an average production of 4.054 kilograms per hectare was obtained, so a total of 8.41 million tons of wheat, compared to 7.85 million tons in 2015.

Wheat varieties with a high production capacity must have a good resistance to the main climate risk factors in Romania, good tolerance to the main foliar diseases and allow the growth of a quality crop.

Romania came second in the European Union in wheat and barley exports in 2016. Last year, Romanian farmers exported over 840,000 tons of wheat in the first seven weeks of the agricultural season alone, and exports reached 1.589 million tons by the end of the year.

Germany ranks 1st in the top of EU exporters. Since the beginning of the fiscal year 2016/17, 1,892 million tons of wheat have been exported from Germany, in second place is Romania with 1,589 million tons, followed by France with 1,351 million tons and Poland with 971,000 tons of wheat.


Sunflower is one of the most widespread oil plants in our country. Its seeds are used to obtain a high-spread oil both in Romania and abroad. The high demand for sunflower oil, but also the multiple uses of this plant determine more farmers to go to cultivate it.

By industrialization, the oil is obtained first of all, and as a result of this process, the grinds remain, used in animal feed. Also, the hats left over from threshing and the lower quality cakes left over after oil extraction are used as animal feed. High quality cakes are used to prepare halva. Because sunflower is a plant with a lot of pollen, the crop is also used to produce bee honey. Potassium carbonate, furfural, but also fodder yeast, fibro-wood boards, ethyl alcohol, liquid carbon dioxide and lignin are made from seed husks.

Sunflower oil is especially used in human nutrition because it has a superior quality, color, taste and pleasant smell. It is considered one of the best vegetable oils, with a high content of unsaturated fatty acids. It has a low content of saturated fats and cholesterol and a high content of vitamins – E, B5, B3, B1, K, A and D. It has a high smoking point – 207 degrees Celsius for crude oil and 230 for refined oil.

And sunflower seeds can be consumed as such providing about 550 calories per 100 grams consumed. They are also used in mixtures of seeds and flakes for breakfast, but also in pastries and bakery.


Barley is grown for grain, which is used to feed animals and for beer. Barley straw is used in animal feed, as is barley for green fodder, associated with a legume (borceag).


Lucerne is one of the most valuable fodder crops due to the large production of green mass and the superior quality of hay, being a very popular fodder crop in Romania. Alfalfa hay contains 0.80% calcium, 0.18% phosphorus, 1.23% potassium, 0.22%, magnesium and 0.2% sulfur, mineral salts that recommend it for use in the feeding of dairy cows.